Welcome back! I tried numerous times to work on my blog this past year, but with working from home, returning to work, a raging pandemic, and keeping up with my overall health, my blog took a backseat. My goal is…
It’s been 1 year and 5 days since I received that call from my doctor letting me know of my diagnosis. Breast Cancer. Although I’ve been through so much, I still hesitate to say those two words - not because…
Throughout my Recovery process, it’s been important for me to heal - not just physically but emotionally as well. My cancer had taken me on the most difficult journey and guiding myself back together after almost a year of disruption…
I’m quickly approaching the one-year mark of when I was diagnosed. Of course, there’s a lot of emotion and anxiety there and because of that, for the month of January I’ve been focusing on Recovery. What it means to me,…