the best me

I sometimes feel like I don’t know much. Maybe it’s insecurity or anxiety or fear? I’m 36 years old and I don’t feel like I know things (that just sounds ridiculous to say out loud, let alone type). I don’t know what I want to do with my career. I don’t know if I’ll ever like carrots. I don’t know if I really like alcohol anymore. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to buy/own a home in CA. I don’t know if I will ever be able to fully accept my new ‘normal’. ..just to name a few.

Even with my long list of don’t knows.. What I do know seems most important in my Recovery right now. I know I want to explore my passions, to see where that leads me and to help others along the way.  I feel like I ignored this part of me last year. I felt I was so ready to move forward, to move on from my treatments and from my cancer that I put this part of me aside. And I missed it. I missed this avenue of expression and creativity. I missed this process of sharing my thoughts, fears, and personal experiences with all of you.

For me, this is my healthy reprieve. In-between health updates, you will be seeIng more of my steps towards figuring life after cancer, my post-treatment new ‘normal’. I’m learning to ask more questions and to be open to trying new things. I want you come along on those adventures, good and bad. 

My hope is that I slowly begin to understand myself more and in turn, shortening my list of don’t knows. It will take some time but I’m optimistic I’ll discover the best me.



starting off the week with a little kick in the behind.. this week's focus: strong. positive. self-care.

Welcome back! I tried numerous times to work on my blog this past year, but with working from home, returning…

the NEW new

Health-Life Update: Hot Flashes are keeping me in check (a lot more frequent now) Insomnia - almost every night  Fatigue…

mammos 4 lyfe

I let out the biggest sigh of relief… I’m in the clear.  My day started earlier than usual. I opt…