am i back to normal?

It’s been one week since completing my last chemo cycle and although I still have more to my treatment plan, overall, I feel like I have more energy than I have had since starting chemo in February.  And this past week has been the most ‘me’ I’ve felt in a long time. My mind feels less foggy, and I feel more and more like my silly, quirky self.  

To celebrate my ‘no more chemo’ happy time, I immediately went in for sushi.. then wine.. then coffee.. It’s been great! I know raw fish and alcohol may not sound like much, but when I was told I shouldn’t have them, it just made me want it more LOL.  I should probably have taken it easy and not over do it but having those treats made me so happy inside *happy dance*. Knowing I can finally eat and drink what I want, when I want – no restrictions – makes me feel like I have more control over me.  


Other updates:

  • Neuropathy is still going strong – the numbness and tingling feeling in my fingertips hasn’t gone away yet;
  • Head hair is growing slowly, very slowly;
  • I feel stubble under my arms! I’m not looking forward to shaving my pits and legs again;
  • Brows are still thin and sparse;
  • Lashes are non-existent. I’m sad to report that I have to wait to get lash extensions since I have about 15 lashes on each lid – not enough for extensions to hold on to.  Looks like I’m sticking with my falsies and/or eyeliner for now.
  • Limiting carbs and sugar (or trying to) – bread and sweets are basically how I’ve been surviving so it’s been tough to change that habit.

Understandably, I’m not sure I’ll ever feel ‘normal’ again, but I’m hopeful that with time, I will feel better.  Some days may leave me feeling great and kicking ass, while others may not be so good.  But I believe in myself and my treatments.. I want to be healthy and I will kick this cancer’s ass until get better.  Sometimes having that positive outlook (with all the sushi, wine, and lattes we can reasonably consume) helps with our progress more than we know.




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