the NEW new
Health-Life Update:
- Hot Flashes are keeping me in check (a lot more frequent now)
- Insomnia – almost every night
- Fatigue – mentally and physically exhausted at times
- Back pain – yes
- Leg cramping – yes
- Hair growth – gorgeous!
It’s definitely been some time since I fully updated my blog. As you may have guessed, I’ve been sucked into the COVID-19 web and have been trying my best to navigate through it. Accepting that face masks, working from home, disinfecting groceries, and closed businesses have been a difficult “new” normal for many of us. Discovering my post-treatment new normal + a pandemic new normal has been extremely overwhelming at times.
At times, I found myself feeling a weird sense of deja-vu… staying at-home, needing to quarantine myself from the outside world, monitoring any symptoms, wondering when this would all end.. it felt all too familiar. And it’s been hard not to feel all of those old chemo feelings again.
The past four months have brought me a lot of anxiety and an overall sense of uneasiness, with just about every aspect of my personal day-to-day life in a weird limbo (with no definitive end date in sight.) Not knowing is one of the hardest parts. However, I’ve been doing my best to keep myself afloat, with self-care, learning more about breast health and my overall health, cooking more, spending more time with the hubby.. little things to make our stay-at-home order livable.
In hopes that this may help with your stay-at-home journey, I’m sharing some of my positive, uplifting highlights that have become a welcomed distraction in the past few months:

I’m not quite sure when things will return and reopen completely, but in the meantime, I’ll keep updating you on my progress, my daily feels and photo-collages. Please stay safe out there.
<3 P