Trying Acupuncture

In my quest to better myself, I gave acupuncture a try and this was my experience…

Although I had heard good things about the practice, it was never a real interest of mine.  After speaking with my oncologist about a few ongoing side effects, like back pain, insomnia, joint pain, headaches.. I wanted to find an alternative to taking additional medications. A part of me can’t understand the need for medications that alleviate symptoms caused by other medications. I just feel like it will turn into a never-ending cycle of drugs, and I don’t want it to come to that. I understand that some may be necessary, but in the place I’m in right now, I want to look for other options, natural or complimentary options that could help. 

My doc suggested that I try acupuncture. Her office recently brought on an acupuncturist and out of convenience and curiosity, I decided to give it a try. I honestly didn’t know what to expect going in. Would it hurt? Would it work? Would it be a waste of money? Would my insurance cover this? 

(The answer was no to that last one)

My first appointment was about an hour long. She asked me questions about my health – a recap – it was nice that I didn’t have to explain everything to her since she already reviewed my chart. We went over my side effects and how long I had been experiencing them and she had me lay face down on the table.  

It was a quiet room and I was a little nervous about the needles. But the sensation wasn’t painful at all. It felt like someone was plucking hairs from my legs, back and neck. I layed still and she covered me with a foil blanket. I rested for I would say a good 30 minutes (if not more). Before leaving, we discussed my chi energy and foods that could help, especially with my afternoon fatigue. This was all new for me, but I took it in stride and left in a good place. I felt good.

I went back two more times. The second time left me feeling just as good as the first. We targeted my lower back pain. And I even tried cupping for the first time. We noticed how that little heat applied seemed to help. 

The third appointment started like the others, we chatted a bit about my on-going symptoms and area(s) we wanted to focus on. This time I wanted some help with my upper back so she used the cups again. She applied a couple of cups and all of a sudden, I felt a sharp, jolt hit my upper back and I screeched! Did she just…?? She burned me with one of the cups. I didn’t realize that was possible. I know they apply heat to the cups but I didn’t think it would ever be that hot. 

She quickly removed the cup and apologized. She claimed she didn’t know the cup had gotten so hot that it could burn me. I wasn’t sure what to do at that point. I was a bit shocked. We just continued and she applied an oil on the area. I could still feel it stinging but it was bearable. 

At the end of the appointment, before I got dressed, she looked at the area again and it had gotten worse. She applied a topical antibiotic gel and placed a bandage over it. I still couldn’t see the area in question. She apologized again and the part that annoyed me the most.. she said you must have sensitive skin to burn so easily. Ummm.. no lady. YOU must have heated up that cup to where it would burn my skin. I must have made a face because she then proceeded to back step and say that of course, she’s not blaming me for what happened, she took responsibility for that. But why even put that out there? Are you trying to make me feel bad that my body got burned because of something you did? That’s not right. 

I left the appointment confused, exhausted, and just wanting to go home. When I later looked in the mirror at my back, I was surprised. There was a big blister that formed over the area. This was not good. I had thought it was something small, something that would easily go away. It’s been almost a month and the mark is still there. The area has healed but there’s still discoloration and I’m really hoping this isn’t a scar. 

I’m so disappointed that this happened. I know accidents happen, but really? I was trying to find something that could help my aches and pains but this turned into a mess. It was unfortunate. I honestly don’t feel comfortable seeing that particular acupuncturist in the future. I’m not even sure if I’ll try acupuncture again, I might give it some time.. Right now, I’m okay and trying to move past this. 


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